I wanted a quick/easy/inexpensive way for my daughter to give her best friend a small Easter gift and of course decided to check the $1 section of our local Target store. These little pails are so cute and for $1 make the perfect little Easter basket.

Mackenzie and I decided to customize this little pail with her best friends name.

Now all that’s left is to fill it with a couple little goodies and give it to her for Easter. I love quick and easy projects like this. These are available
in my shop. The fonts can be customized to suit your style. I have them listed in my shop as available in girl style fonts and boy style fonts, but if you have a specific font you’d like me to use just let me know and I’m happy to work with you.
Need a few idea's for goodies to fill it up:
for girls ~~lip gloss, a puffle, headband, hair clips, cute pens, a tiny note pad,itunes gift card, candy, favorite store gift card, book, silly putty.
for boys~~matchbox card, candy, lego’s, ds game, trading cards, itunes gift card, book, favorite store gift card, silly putty.