This is the first {giveaway} I've done here on the blog...I agonized over what I wanted to give as the giveaway prize. I'm a huge supporter of the handmade community and thought about purchasing an item from one of the many talented handmade artists I know, but I wanted the giveaway to really fit anyone.
Then yesterday while I was doing errands it hit me...courtesy of a blogger and artist I truly admire...I decided a Target gift card {$30} was the way to go....now you may think {WHY?}
My Inspiration!
{1} It's the perfect size and color for anyone.
{2} It can be a treat for {you}, a much needed bit of cash to buy some household necessaties, or even a bit of money to add to your Christmas budget.
{3} and the real reason....I read a blog by Lisa Leonard and while I enjoy her blog/LOVE her jewelry, I find myself looking forward to her {what I wore wednesday} post each week...she's got such a cute style...and always seems to have some item in her wardrobe from Target.
To Enter.....all you need to do is become a follower of the blog and leave a comment saying {Hi}, be sure that you leave a way for me to contact you. I'll do the drawing in a few days!
No tweeting, facebooking, Just one comment.
********GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED 11.2.10************
Target ~ love that store!
And all of Lisa's wiww posts. She has the cutest stuff :]
Hi Count me in, I'd love to have a bit of extra money to spend at Target.
j and J
I'm a big-time follower of your merchandise and your blog! Here's hoping you have lots and lots of followers! I'm leslie at lcarr011@windstream.net
Hope you get a ton of people to sign up for this GREAT giveway!
I follow on GFC ( hannah . chrinahxxx@..)
aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com
thanks for a great giveaway!
LOVE your blog and decals!! Best I've seen on Etsy ; )
and the winner is #2
drop me an email with your shipping info and I'll get the gift card into the mail to you.
THANKS to everyone who participated!
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