You can't imagine how grateful I am to begin this post with the title "no broken bones". This adventure all started last week when I took my daughter to our storage unit and dug out the box marked roller blades and other summer stuff. I was looking for something to keep her busy and remembered putting away my older sons roller blades from years past. A quick trip to target for a new helmet had her all ready to give it a shot. Since we got home she's been practicing a couple times a day and asking when I was going to go roller blading with her. So against my better judgement I again opened the box of roller blades and other summer things and pulled MY roller blades out. ( I don't think they've seen the light of day in 13 years!) But heck it's like riding a bike right??? once you know how, you never forget. Well I can honestly say, it's a bit harder then I remembered, those darn little wheels roll really, really fast, and the whole stopping thing, well that little brake at the back of the skate is just about useless. I'm sure all the smiling, laughing faces of the people going by weren't actually laughing at me!!! But we're home again and as stated in the title with "no broken bones!"
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